The Slender Trap: A Series of Food and Body Workshops
Discovering the truth about how you feel about your body, your food, and yourself
Through a series of two two-hour drawing and writing workshops, you will discover the truth about how you feel about your body, food, and self. You will figure out whether you are caught in the Slender Trap and will find your way out.
Why I think I’m fat. You will begin to discover whether or not you are having difficulty with your eating habits or body image. If you are, you will begin to work on these issues.
Taking the weight off my shoulders. You will begin to develop strategies and plans to help you work through your issues. Exercises dealing with the creation of contracts, recipes, and maps will be used to help you develop these strategies.
What’s with my body image. You will discover how you feel about your body and how family, peers, and society affect your feelings about yourself. After working through some of these key issues, hopefully you will begin to accept your body in a more realistic way.
Diet and exercise traps. You will discover whether or not you are caught in the diet and exercise traps.
Food traps and plans. You will learn about your relationship with food and how to eat more healthily, comfortably, and safely. You will examine why you eat the way you do, and what food stands for.
Feeling full of feelings. You will confirm whether or not you have an eating disorder. Once you decide, you will be able to work on your symptoms and hopefully get rid of them.
I’m not just a body. You will begin to explore your feelings getting a better idea of who you are and what you want in your life.
Human interaction. You will take a closer look at your relationships with significant others and begin to understand how your feelings about eating and body are related.
The new me. You will celebrate your newfound insights and look at what you’ve learned throughout the workshops.
Stores for the mind, body and soul. Deciding whether you need help and finding it will be the objective for this session.